Fun Facts

  1. Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories an hour.
  2. In the UK, it is illegal to eat mince pies on Christmas Day!
  3. Pteronophobia is the fear of being tickled by feathers!
  4. When hippos are upset, their sweat turns red.
  5. A flock of crows is known as a murder.
  6. “Facebook Addiction Disorder” is a mental disorder identified by Psychologists.
  7. The average woman uses her height in lipstick every 5 years.
  8. 29th May is officially “Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day“.
  9. Cherophobia is the fear of fun.
  10. Human saliva has a boiling point three times that of regular water.
  11. If you lift a kangaroo’s tail off the ground it can’t hop.
  12. Hyphephilia are people who get aroused by touching fabrics.
  13. Billy goats urinate on their own heads to smell more attractive to females.
  14. The person who invented the Frisbee was cremated and made into frisbees after he died!
  15. During your lifetime, you will produce enough saliva to fill two swimming pools.
  16. If Pinokio says “My Noes Will Grow Now”, it would cause a paradox. Details here.
  17. Polar bears can eat as many as 86 penguins in a single sitting. (If they lived in the same place)
  18. King Henry VIII slept with a gigantic axe beside him.
  19. Bikinis and tampons invented by men.
  20. An eagle can kill a young deer and fly away with it.

Have you ever dreamed of running a bookshop? You can have a go for a week at the Open Book Store in Wigton, Scotland. In fact, if you book a holiday at the self-catering flat on Airbnb, you also have to work for 40 hours in the bookshop downstairs. A week in the flat costs £150. You won’t get paid for working, but you can use your own creative ideas to sell books and gain valuable experience. Wigton is Scotland’s national book town and this new venture is attracting interest from all over the world..

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